Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Third training run and a bunch of laziness...

Day 6- 3rd training run (30 sec. walk,1.5 min run, 20 minutes alternating). The run went well. I was on the treadmill again and the gym was deserted. I worked in the morning and had a few hours off so I got in the pool and hot tub after my run. I like being able to swim after running but I also like running outside. I think I'll try to do more of my runs outside when possible.

Day 7- Sunday day of rest. That's 2 days of rest this week which is more than I need. The training plan says 2 is ok, but I think I need to go everyday to at least walk or lift weights so it becomes a routine.

Day 8- I was lazy today and didn't go to the gym. I didn't work 'til 4, but I spent the time until then being a bum. I did catch up on Desperate Housewives reruns and think about going to the gym, but in the end I cancelled my appointment with David anyways because I didn't want to work out at 3 and try to get ready quickly at the gym and run to work. I planned on rescheduling earlier but I forgot.

Day 9- I was off all day and I scheduled my run for before my lunch plans with Sasha and I slept in really late instead. After lunch I had just enough time to get ready for a funeral and I thought "I'll run afterwards" even though I knew I would probably not be home in time for that.

Day 10- Another full day off without a run. My Mom said she would never plan to work out on a day off, but I know I need to get my routine down! So, I'll be doing run #4 tomorrow (Thursday), and runs #5 and #6 on Saturday and Sunday. I'm embarrassed that I didn't stick to the schedule, but I think as long as I do it that's what counts.

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