Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A whole day to do stuff, and things.

Now that the semester is over and I still haven't told my work that I can come in on Mondays (I may never tell them that) I have 3 whole days off! So, I've been busy.
1. Quit smoking- on day 4 and holdin' strong.
2. Finished my resume.
3. Created a cover letter.
4. Sent resume, cover letter and stuff to a possible practicum site.
5. Taught Abbey how to play fetch.
6. Sort of organized my papers.
7. Thought about sending Shana her package. But didn't, yet.
8. Walked at least 5 miles every day (Abbey is beat- we do a mile or so at a time because her legs are so short.

So, you get the drift... There are alot more things but the list has already gotten boring.
Everyone keeps asking me if I'm ok since my recent relationship ended last week. I can't even use the b word because it seems creepy right now. So, I'll say recent relationship instead.
Surprisingly I'm relieved. I think he was sprinting while I was walking and occasionally sitting.
So, the answer is yes, I'm good.
I'm not drinking or eating processed foods- it's supposed to make quitting easier, and I'm following a sort-of detox diet that's pretty laid back and easy to follow. I think this time I'll really quit, it's just hard sometimes.

So, day four a success so far- I'll let you know how Saturday goes when I drink a glass of wine and become a pillar of willpower by not smoking.

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